Transporting a ladder can be tricky, especially if it's a long extension ladder. Ladders generally won't fit in a car boot, so unless you have a van or a pickup truck, your best option is probably to place the ladder on the roof of your car (as pictured above).
Whatever method you use, it's very important to ensure that the ladder is properly secured before you set off. Imagine how much damage your ladder might cause if it fell off your vehicle and into the path of other road users - it doesn't bear thinking about!
To help you stay safe and obey the law when transporting a ladder from point A to point B, here are some pointers from the team here at Ladders UK Direct...
Ladder Transport Tips
- Before you begin, make sure the ladder is fully folded up and any locking mechanisms are properly engaged.
- If you don't have a roof rack, you may want to place something between the ladder and the roof to protect your car's paint job. A blanket or a layer of foam will do.
- Take care when you're lifting the ladder onto the roof of your vehicle. You may need an extra pair of hands to manoeuvre a heavy ladder into position. Don't try to tackle a two-person job by yourself - play it safe and get someone to help you if necessary.
- Here's the most important bit: make sure the ladder is secure! Our ladder clamps are ideal for this purpose, but failing that, you can secure your ladder with ratchet straps or tie it down with ropes / bungee cords.
- When you're on the road, listen out for rattling - this may suggest that you haven't secured the ladder tightly enough. Pull over somewhere safe and adjust as needed.
Overhanging Loads - What the Law Says
Once you've lashed your ladder to the roof of your car, take a moment to check whether the ladder extends beyond the front and/or rear of the vehicle.
If the overhang is too great, you may be breaking the law.
Overhanging at the back of the vehicle:
- 1 metre or less - No action required.
- Over 1 metre, but no more than 2 metres - You must make the end of the ladder clearly visible to other road users (e.g. with a hi-vis vest or brightly-coloured cloth).
- Over 2 metres, but no more than 3.05 metres - You must use rear and side marker boards to alert other road users to the overhang.
- Over 3.05 metres - As above, plus you must give the police 2 clear working days' notice before your journey. You will also need an attendant present (more info here).
Overhanging at the front of the vehicle:
- 2 metres or less - No action required.
- Over 2 metres, but no more than 3.05 metres - You must use marker boards to alert other road users to the overhang. Additionally, you will need an attendant present (more info here).
- Over 3.05 metres - As above, plus you must give the police 2 clear working days' notice before your journey.
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