Step ladders are extremely versatile pieces of equipment, and it's very handy to have one to use around the house. With spring in full swing, you may be thinking about carrying out a few spring cleaning tasks, or a few DIY upgrades around the house.
To do this, you'll undoubtedly need a reliable step ladder to help you get the jobs done efficiently. We all know that the cost of living is tough right now, which is why we're using this blog to tell you all about our favourite cheap step ladder for home use.

Ladders are an incredibly useful and versatile tool that are perfect for a wide range of uses in different settings – however, they aren’t without their risks. Falls from height are the most common kind of workplace fatality, many of which involve a ladder. Even to the most experienced user, ladders can still be the cause of a dangerous accident.
There are multiple helpful ladder workplace safety guides available from organisations such as HSE and The Ladder Association. If you’re looking for a condensed and easy to follow guide on safely using ladders in the workplace, you’re in the right place! More...