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08 Jan 2025

what counts as professional use for ladders

When deciding what kind of ladder you need for a task, it is essential that you choose one that is safe and suitable for the type of work you will be carrying out.

If you’re planning on repainting your bedroom or changing a lightbulb, you don’t need to fork out on an industry-grade ladder. Conversely, if you will need to use your ladder frequently for construction or trade work, you don’t want a domestic grade ladder that is unsuitable for the job.


08 Nov 2024

concertina loft ladder

A concertina loft ladder is a type of loft ladder that works like an accordion, expanding and collapsing as needed. There are many unique benefits to this type of loft ladder, for example, how they open and close vertically rather than horizontally like a traditional loft ladder.

This blog will delve into the other benefits of concertina loft ladders and hopefully help you decide whether this type of loft ladder is right for your home!


31 Oct 2024

what do ladders mean in dreams

Many people believe dreams reflect our unconscious emotions, desires and wishes. Among the many symbols that can appear in our dreams, ladders are particularly significant, representing luck, challenges and progress towards our goals. Let’s take a closer look at what ladders can mean when they appear in dreams…


15 Oct 2024

When it comes to navigating elevation in our homes and workplaces, stairs and ladders serve similar purposes but have fundamental differences in their design and functionality. Understanding these key differences will help you choose the right tool for your needs, whether you’re doing home improvement, construction or simply moving from one level to another.


19 Sep 2024

Wooden ladder

The humble ladder is plagued by myriad myths and misconceptions that just won’t go away.

Let’s dispel some lies!
