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10 Sep 2024

UK Ladder Regulations

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has put various restrictions and regulations in place to help reduce the risks associated with ladders and step ladders. In this blog, we will run through the laws and safety guidelines that currently apply to ladder usage in the UK – let’s get started!


09 Sep 2024

Step ladder vs multi-position ladder

Since multi-position ladders can often be used in a step ladder configuration, you might be wondering which one you should actually be using. Has the standard step ladder been made obsolete by its shape-shifting big brother?

In this blog post, we will examine the differences between step ladders and multi-position ladders to see which option is right for you.


06 Sep 2024

A ladder guard is a secure cover that prevents unauthorised people from accessing ladders on site. Typically made from sturdy metal, it hooks over several rungs of the ladder, blocking these rungs from use. Some ladder guards feature a padlock for added security.

By restricting access to fixed ladders, ladder guard play a crucial role in mitigating a wide range of risks, including:



Unguarded ladders can act as an open invitation for unauthorised individuals to access restricted areas. Installing a ladder guard could prevent thousands of pounds’ worth of damage caused by vandals starting fires, breaking windows or leaving graffiti and rubbish on site.

Vandalism compromises the safety and integrity of your facility, so it’s always worth taking appropriate preventative actions like installing ladder guards.



Construction job sites, and industrial settings in particular, are a common target for thieves. Leaving a ladder unguarded potentially leaves valuable equipment—like power tools, HVAC systems and other heavy machinery—vulnerable to theft and tampering, which can seriously affect operations on site and result in costly repairs.

A robust ladder guard should deter trespassers from gaining access to restricted areas where expensive equipment is stored.


Falls from height

Installing ladder guards significantly lowers the risk of falls from height, the leading cause of fatalities and injuries in the workplace. Unauthorised and untrained individuals attempting to climb ladders with no supervision can easily result in serious accidents, which are not only preventable and tragic, but can also lead to potential lawsuits and tarnish the reputation of your company.


Some other added benefits of ladder guards include:

  • They can be quickly installed and fitted

  • They can clearly display warning and safety signs

  • They will not tilt or pull away from the ladder, making them incredibly hard to remove by force

  • They can be made out of various materials and come in various sizes to specifically suit your requirements

  • They increase on-site and equipment security


Overall, installing ladder guards is not only a smart way to improve your workplace safety and personal peace of mind but they are also a legal requirement by the HSE in order to protect the public.

Here at Ladders UK Direct, we stock a specialist aluminium ladder guard that is designed to meet the latest guidelines. This ladder guard comes in two sizes and includes a padlock for added security as advised by the HSE. Follow the link below to buy your own and ensure your workplace remains safe and secure.

Buy Ladder Guard