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08 Feb 2021

best ladder for cleaning caravan roof

Caravans are, for a lot of people, a home away from home. With the ongoing COVID-19 situation, we predict that caravan holidays will be on the rise in the coming months/years. Caravans can be a great option for people who want a little getaway without having to travel abroad or mingle with others.

Caravan owners take a lot of pride in their home on wheels, so keeping them clean is a high priority. The outside of the caravan can be cleaned quite easily with a pressure washer or traditional car cleaning kit, but the roof is often harder to reach. Unlike a car, caravans are tall enough for most people to stand inside, so it's unlikely that you'll be able to clean the roof without a set of steps or a ladder.

In this blog, we're going to look at the best lightweight and compact ladders that you can transport around the country with you to keep the roof of your caravan clean!

Zarges Telemaster telescopic ladder

Zarges Telemaster Telescopic Ladder

If you want a ladder that's really compact when stored but which will still give you enough height to clean your caravan roof, the Zarges Telemaster telescopic ladder is an excellent choice.

  • Features rung-by-rung height adjustment
  • Stored height: 0.84m
  • Max. extended height: 3.8m
  • Material: aluminium
  • Square rungs
  • Max. load: 150kg

This ladder is only 0.84 metres long when collapsed, meaning it can be put away under a bunk or in the caravan's internal storage area. When fully extended, this impressive little ladder can reach a height of 3.8 metres, so you'll easily be able to reach the roof of your caravan.

Buy This Ladder >



Platform step

LFI Home Platform Step Ladder

If you're on the hunt for the best ladder for cleaning a caravan roof, then you might be swayed by the LFI Home Platform Step. This lightweight, durable aluminium step ladder comes in a range of heights, making it perfect for cleaning caravans of all sizes.

  • Available with 3 - 8 treads
  • Material: aluminium
  • Max. load: 150kg

The smallest of these compact step ladders has a stored height of 1.25m, so while it might not be as compact as the telescopic ladder, it certainly will be easy to store and transport.

Buy This Ladder >


Multi-purpose aluminium ladder

Multi-Purpose Ladders

If you're looking for a truly innovative height access solution to help you clean your caravan's roof, our multi-purpose ladders offer a number of different configurations to give you a boost in virtually any situation.

The step ladder configuration will enable you to reach your caravan roof with ease, but you may prefer a work platform configuration with space for your bucket, cloths and flask of tea. And like the other ladders we've already discussed, our multi-purpose ladders can be collapsed to a fraction of their full size for easy storage.

Shop Multi-Purpose Ladders >

If you have any questions about the best ladder for cleaning your caravan roof, feel free to contact the Ladders UK Direct team. As always, we'll do our best to find the right ladder for you!

READ MORE: Ladders for Caravans

04 Feb 2021

ladder standing up

Storing your ladder properly can make all the difference to how long it lasts. Your ladder takes care of you while you're using it, so make sure you take care of it when you're not!

Ladders that are stored incorrectly can topple over, cause injury or start to rust/deteriorate, so it's important you take the time to find an ideal storage space before you put your ladder away.

Here at Ladders UK Direct, the ladders we offer are generally made of long-lasting materials like aluminium, fibreglass and steel. That being said, incorrect storage can turn a perfectly good ladder into a dangerous piece of equipment. Proper ladder storage will prolong your ladder's life and will keep you and other people in your home/business safe.

How should I store my ladder?

If you're stuck for places to store your ladder, you have a few options. The safest option is to invest or create a ladder rack in your garage or shed where you can store your ladder on the wall horizontally. With support points along the length of the ladder, the chances of it falling on a passer-by are very slim. 

The second best option is to lay your ladder completely flat on the ground. Yes, this might be a trip hazard (so be careful where you lay it), but it's certainly not going to fall on top of anyone from the floor.

Understandably, not everyone will have the means to store their ladders horizontally, or the space to have their ladders stored on the ground which leads us to the question...

Can I store my ladder standing up?

Yes - ladders can be stored standing up,  but it's not the safest method of ladder storage. Ladders that are stored standing up are far more likely to topple over than ladders that are stored laying down or horizontally on a ladder rack.

For that reason, we'd only recommend storing your ladders standing up if you've got no other alternative. If you're worried about storing your ladders, we'd highly recommend checking out our ladder locks and ladder storage hooks. These products are specifically designed to make it easy for you to store ladders of all shapes and sizes. 

Read More: Ladder Storage: How to Store Your Ladder

If you're looking for new ladders to add to your home or business equipment kit, we have a diverse range of ladders on offer. Shop Now!

25 Jan 2021

can you put a ladder against a window

Whether you've decided to clean your windows, paint the outside of your house or clean the guttering, you might be wondering if you can put a ladder against a window to reach the right height. It might seem like the easiest route to get the job done, but putting a ladder against a window can be really dangerous. 

The short answer to the question - "can you put a ladder against a window" is no. You should never attempt to lean a ladder against a window even if you think it's secure. The force of the ladder against the glass plus the additional weight of you, your equipment, etc. can cause the glass to crack or shatter.

How can you avoid leaning your ladder against a window?

There are a few things you could try if you think you might have to lean your ladder against a window. All of these options are sure to keep you safe and prevent the glass from cracking. Remember, you should never climb your ladder unless you're 100% sure it's safe and secure.

  • Choose a longer ladder - Finding a ladder that will reach past the window and lean on the wall above will keep you safe. 
  • Use longer tools - As long as you're not doing work that involves close contact tools, you could invest in longer tools to reach over the window. This is a great option for window cleaning. 
  • Choose a tripod ladder - Tripod ladders, like step ladders, have built-in supports that will keep the ladder upright so you don't have to lean against the window.
  • Consider scaffolding - While this might seem like a bit of a drastic alternative, it can actually be very beneficial if your project is going to take longer than a few hours. Plus you won't need to go anywhere near the windows!

Possible dangers of leaning your ladder against a window

So, at this point, you might be thinking... I don't want to buy a new ladder... what's the worst that could happen?

Well, we've seen a lot of people work with a lot of different ladders so we know the kinds of injuries that can be sustained when you ignore advice and use your ladder in an unsafe manner! 

Here are a few things that could happen if you decide to lean your ladder against a window:

  • The glass could shatter at head height, causing shards of glass to hit you in the face or shower down onto you.
  • You could be jolted off the ladder if the glass pane breaks and the ladder is suddenly un-supported.
  • You might reach and grab hold of the window frame that's full of broken glass shards.

None of these things sound particularly pleasant do they, and they're sure to put you out of action for a while. We always preach ladder safety, but we're doing it for your own good - not ours!

If you're unsure which ladder is right for the job, drop us an email at and our friendly team will happily assist you.

Shop All Ladders NOW!

Read More:

- Ladder Safety Tips

- Carrying Tools Up a Ladder

- How to Climb a Ladder Safely


22 Jan 2021

can cats and dogs climb ladders

There's nothing more special than having a fluffy companion to keep you company on the dark winter days, but when it's time to get your DIY done, you don't necessarily want your pets hanging around your ankles. Not only is it a distraction when you need to be focused on the task at hand, but some furry friends can scale ladders and potentially cause themselves harm. 

Today we're going to delve into the world of cats and dogs to find out whether or not they can climb ladders. 

Can cats climb ladders?

Felines are known for their agility and balance and they LOVE to climb. We've all heard the horror stories of firemen being called out to rescue a cat that climbed too high up a tree, so it's safe to say that if a cat wanted to climb a ladder, it certainly could.

Many pet owners actually invest in climbing equipment and ladders that are designed specifically for cats to climb. Climbing is a natural part of a cat's instinct, so don't be surprised if you see cat owners creating elaborate obstacle courses high up in their homes.

Now, it's one thing having a ladder for your cat inside the house but another thing to have your pet join you on the roof while you're replacing some tiles.

Some cats are quite timid and reserved about climbing unusual objects, so they might take one look at your extension ladder and decide it's not for them. On the other hand, there are some cats who are really curious and keen to follow their owners. These cats are the ones you want to watch out for when you're working at height outside. 

Generally, if a cat can climb up somewhere, it can also get down. But be mindful if your cat does decide to join you on the roof. If you finish your jobs for the day and pack your ladder away in the shed, you might leave your little kitty stranded on the roof!

Can dogs climb ladders?

When it comes to man's best friend, you might be thinking, surely not. Surely dogs do not have the flexibility or balance to climb a ladder. Well, that's where you're wrong. There are hundreds of things that you probably thought you'd never see in your life, and if a dog climbing a ladder is one of them, then today's your lucky day.

Check out this viral video of a pitbull making his way up a precarious ladder and onto a roof. We have to admit we were holding our breaths as he got to the top, but he sure looks pleased with himself when he makes it!

Now, it's quite unlikely that your pet dog at home will be able to tackle this kind of feat, and it's not really something we'd encourage you to try either. Dogs are not really designed for vertical climbing like this, and while it is clearly possible for a dog to climb a ladder, it's also pretty dangerous. If you're carrying out DIY work home or you're working on-site it's probably best to leave your four-legged friend down on the ground.

If you're looking to get some DIY jobs done during lockdown, take a look at our wide range of ladders. Alternatively, contact us to discuss your needs and we'll find the perfect ladder for you.

20 Jan 2021

best ladder for painting ceiling

If you've decided to re-decorate your house during lockdown - bravo! Now is a great time to give your home a new lick of paint and make the place look fresh and clean.

Anyone whos ever painted a room before knows that it's fiddly, time-consuming and can be messy. What can you do to make the process easier? Well, you should start by making sure you have the best equipment. Let's be honest, the ceiling is without a doubt the trickiest place to paint in any room, so we're going to set you up with the best ladder for the job.

What to look for?

When you're looking for the perfect ladder for painting the ceiling, you want to avoid ladders that will require you to over-reach. You never want to stand on the top three rungs, so if you're finding yourself over-extending then your ladder is too short. 

Your ladder needs to be certified for your weight plus the weight of your equipment, so if you're going to be carrying a few tins of paint, brushes, rollers, trays and a cup of tea then you need to take this into account.

Let's take a closer look at the best three ladders for painting the ceiling, platform step ladders and multi purpose ladders.

Platform Step ladders

platform step ladders

Up there as one of the best ladders fr painting the ceiling is the humble platform step ladder. These ladders are ideal for painting ceilings because they come in a wide range of heights and they feature a useful platform at the top. 

When you use a platform ladder to paint your ceiling, you'll be elevated comfortably, you'll be able to reach the ceiling easily and you'll be able to pick up and put down your painting equipment as required.

Shop Platform Step Ladders >

Multi purpose ladders

Whether you need to paint a huge ceiling or the ceiling over a staircase, our multi purpose ladders are a great option. As far as ladders go, they are the most versatile option and will allow you to paint comfortably almost anywhere! 

5 way ladder and platform

Some of our multipurpose ladders, like the 5-way multi purpose ladder shown above, come with an optional platform for extra workspace. We highly recommend purchasing one of these multipurpose ladders if you're a painter and decorator by trade. It will help you to paint ceilings in every setting and will allow you to stay elevated for longer periods of time than a regular step ladder.

Shop All Multi Purpose Ladders >


So, there you have it the best kinds of ladders for painting the ceiling! If you have any other questions, feel free to drop us an email or give us a call on 01446 789538.