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26 Nov 2024

Ladder safety for kids

Ladder Safety for Kids

It’s easy to forget how often kids encounter ladders in their day-to-day lives, but your child probably climbs ladders more often than you do! Whether they’re climbing monkey bars on the playground or bunk beds at home, teaching your children ladder safety at a young age will help to keep them safe in a variety of situations. Read on to learn our ladder safety tips for kids!


17 Aug 2023

loft ladder


Installing a loft ladder isn’t a legal requirement. There are plenty of ladder options out there to help you get into your loft. But who wants to traipse out to the shed or garage to get a ladder every time they need to grab something up there? Dragging a damp, dirty ladder that’s likely been gathering dust through your house is not ideal.

A loft ladder is the perfect solution.

It’s not only a matter of convenience, either. There are so many benefits that come with installing a loft ladder in your home.


01 Jul 2022

low angle shot of pink spiral stairs, illuminated by a skylight at the top of the stairs

Spiral staircases are a lavish addition to any home. They add style, a modern chic, and a bit of quirkiness! Not many people can say their homes have one, so you can be sure to stand out from the crowd.

Despite their brilliance, many parents and carers worry about the safety surrounding spiral stairs, especially for their little ones. Stair safety within your home is a valid worry for any parent, but there are things you can do to avoid any accidents and give yourself some peace of mind. 


  1. Make your stairs a clutter-free zone

  2. Install a gate

  3. Purchase non-slip mats

  4. Add storage to fill in the gaps

  5. Light up your stairway



21 Aug 2020

Handyman using a loft ladder

When it comes to ladder safety, you can never be too cautious. While you might think that climbing in and out of your loft ladder is a fairly safe manoeuvre, there's still a very real possibility that an accident could occur.

In fact, climbing in and out of the attic can be more dangerous than you might think for the following reasons:

  • The space for the ladder is limited
  • You might have large, cumbersome items in your hands
  • Your loft ladder might be old and inadequate

One small wobble and you could find yourself flat out on the landing with the Christmas decorations strewn all around, so it's important that you choose a loft ladder that's sturdy, stable and capable of carrying an appropriate maximum weight.

Fitted loft ladders

Although you might think it's okay to grab a ladder out of the shed on the rare occasion that you need something from the attic, investing in a fitted loft ladder is usually a far safer option.

Here at Ladders UK Direct, we offer a wide range of loft ladders that comply with safety regulations, while also offering excellent stability. Choose either a wooden or an aluminium loft ladder depending on your style and needs. We even offer a variety of loft stairs which provide you with permanent loft access and boast a lovely traditional design.

Shop All Loft Ladders >

Aluminium or wood?

You might be wondering whether aluminium or wooden ladders are the safer options. Well, here's what you should consider while you're trying to choose between the two. If your loft ladder will be on display, then you might want to go for a wooden loft ladder with a charming traditional appearance. These ladders can be painted to match your decor and will offer excellent stability. We often recommend wooden loft ladders for elderly people because they're a little more robust than their aluminium counterparts.

Shop Wooden Loft Ladders >

If cost is more of a concern, we offer a whole range of aluminium ladders that are still very safe to use. Aluminium ladders come in a variety of styles including concertina and sliding. Of these two styles, sliding loft ladders offer slightly more stability than concertina - so if you're planning to use your loft ladder frequently you might favour this kind. That being said, our concertina loft ladders are certified to the necessary safety regulations and are sure to get you in and out of your loft without a hitch.

Shop Aluminium Loft Ladders >

Loft ladder safety tips

Having a fitted loft ladder installed is just one part of loft ladder safety. Realistically, you can still injure yourself if you use your loft ladder incorrectly. Here are a few loft ladder safety tips to help you get in and out of the attic smoothly.

1. Maintain 3 points of contact with the ladder at all times

2. Check that there is no damage to the loft ladder or hatch before you start your climb

3. Don't carry items up the ladder that are too large or heavy

4. Ask for help if you're struggling to get something in/out of the loft

5. Don't attempt to drop from the loft hatch or slide down the loft ladder

6. Keep vulnerable people, children and pets well out of the way

7. Don't strain to put things in or take things out of the loft

8. Make sure you have sensible shoes or footwear on before you climb the ladder


Hopefully, this blog gives you some insight on how to choose and use a loft ladder safely. For more ladder safety tips - click here. If you have any questions about loft ladders or loft ladder safety, don't hesitate to drop us an email