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12 Jun 2024

Working at height risks

Working at height is a hazardous business - obviously. You don't need us to tell you to be careful when you're standing at the the top of a 20ft ladder or on the roof of a multi-storey building. You know, instinctively, the danger such a situation poses.

What you might not realise is how broad the definition of 'working at height' actually is. You don't have to be all that far off the ground to be at risk - guidance from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) states that 'work at height' means "work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury".

Even a short drop can result in serious injuries, so before you - or your employees - enter any situation where work at height is necessary, it's important to 1) think about what could go wrong, and 2) take steps to minimise working at height risks.


10 Jun 2024

leaning ladder against a wall

To ensure your safety and the safety of others, be sure to perform these quick ladder checks before each use.


29 May 2024

How to Carry Paint Up a Ladder

Ladders are common tools for a wide range of tasks, including painting walls. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast painting your home or are a professional hard at work, safety should always be your top priority.


10 May 2024

Different ladder types

Nowadays, ladders come in all shapes and sizes to suit a huge range of jobs and environments. While all ladder types are useful, it’s important to know which one is best suited to the job at hand. Using the wrong type of ladder could put your safety at risk.

To help you understand the difference between them, we’ve put together this handy list of ladder types and how to use them…


24 Apr 2024

How Long Can I Keep Using the Same Ladder?

Ladders are a tool that can last a long time if they’re well-maintained and used properly. However, there comes a point when even the most reliable ladder needs to be retired for safety reasons. So, how long can you keep using the same ladder? The answer isn’t always straightforward, and it can depend on several factors.

Let’s dive into the lifespan of ladders and signs it’s time for replacement.
