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07 Oct 2020

How to Position a Step Ladder

When using a step ladder, it is very important not only to ensure that the ladder itself is undamaged and in full working order, but that you position it correctly. By doing so, you will be able to climb up the ladder and complete the task at hand safely, confident that your step ladder will not give way and cause a potentially serious accident.

In case you're not sure how to position a step ladder, we will run through each step below, as well as the correct processes to carry out before setting up your step ladder and whilst using your step ladder.


05 Oct 2020

using a ladder in the rain

Using a ladder in cold and wet weather conditions is nobody's idea of fun. However, some people like builders and scaffolders are required to work outside - whatever the weather. There are a few things you can do to help make using a ladder in the rain safer and more comfortable. So, if you're someone who often finds yourself using a ladder in the rain, just keep reading.


01 Oct 2020

how to fully extend a triple extension ladder

Unlike single or double section ladders, triple extension ladders pose an extra level of complexity. First of all, they're heavier than most other ladders and secondly, they're a lot more awkward to move around and handle.


29 Sep 2020

Before using a step ladder - or any other type of ladder, for that matter - it's important to carry out a thorough risk assessment. This will help you to determine whether a step ladder is actually the safest and most suitable solution for the task at hand.


23 Sep 2020

Most of the step ladders we sell here at Ladders UK Direct are made of either aluminium or fibreglass. Both of these materials have their respective benefits and drawbacks - the right choice for you will depend on how you intend to use your ladder.

Aluminium vs fibreglass ladders

LEFT: Professional Swingback Aluminium Step Ladder
RIGHT: Super-Trade Swingback Fibreglass Step Ladder

To help you make an informed buying decision, let's take a quick look at the pros and cons of aluminium ladders, glass fibre ladders, and steel ladders...
